Hi! During our social distancing carry out and delivery only period you might want to call to make sure what you're looking for is in stock. Everything is scratch-made and sometimes we run out before we get a chance to update the online ordering. People are HUNGRY!

Come see us

Your home away from home!

Not sure or have questions? We’re happy to take your orders over the phone or online! (865) 690-9602.



Monday – Friday 11am – 8pm

We have mulch! Pickup and delivery!


11am – 8pm Monday – Friday

Closed weekends temporarily

We cater and rent our space for banquets! call us for more information!


9132 Middlebrook Pike @ Old Cedar Bluff

Knoxville, TN  37923

We are 2 miles from I 40

Take N. Cedar Bluff exit 1.8 mi to Old Cedar Bluff.  Turn right.  We are on the corner of Old Cedar Bluff & Middlebrook Pike just across the street from First Horizon Bank